New Academic Year, Number Of Residents Moving Family Cards In Jakarta Soars

JAKARTA - The Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) noted a surge in the number of residents who took care of the transfer of Family Cards (KK) ahead of the implementation of new student admissions (PPDB) in May 2023.

Head of DKI Jakarta Disdukcapil Budi Awaluddin said the number of people who moved families registered in DKI in May 2023 jumped 216 percent compared to April 2023.

"In April, it was only 890 families, in May it was almost 2,500. So, the spike was quite extraordinary," Budi told reporters, Wednesday, July 19.

Budi did not deny that usually the phenomenon of moving families in the capital city does increase ahead of the new school year. This is related to the provisions for accepting zoning lanes which require prospective students to register at schools located near their domicile.

"This zoning system is finally affected by parents wanting to send them to their favorite school, so parents move their children to the nearest school," said Budi.

However, Budi emphasized that prospective students' parents could not move their families to get their favorite schools ahead of the implementation of PPDB.

"In PPDB rules, (the transfer of families) must be one year earlier, in this case 1 June 2022. If 2023 is not allowed. That is, those who move after June 2, 2023, violate the rules if they register (PPDB for zoning routes in new domicile)," he explained.

Meanwhile, after the implementation of PPDB, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office (Disdik) served 26,091 people at the 2023 DKI Jakarta PPDB complaint post both offline and online (online).

"PPDB DKI 2023 has been completed, we ensure that the PPDB process, we have followed up the incoming complaint and assistance services in accordance with existing regulations," said Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Purwosusilo, some time ago.

There are 11 PPDB Jakarta 2023 complaint post services available in each Jakarta area, then complaint posts at the DKI Education Office offices on the 2nd and 5th floors, and in each school sector according to their place on the 9th and 10th floors.

The total number of services for PPDB DKI 2023 offline is 6,693 services. Meanwhile, online complaint posts, the DKI Education Office provides six mobile phones and services through social media.

"A total of 6,975 of the six cellphones then through social media, both Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and others, there are 12,423. So the total online is 19,398," said Purwosusilo.