Budget Restrictions Become A Barrier To Urban Transportation Development And Development
JAKARTA - Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Hendro Sugiatno, said that the central and regional governments have the same problems in financing urban transportation infrastructure development and development.
"The same problem in financing the development and development of transportation infrastructure is budget constraints. Therefore, other alternative sources of financing are needed," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, July 12.
Therefore, said Hendro, collaboration is an important thing in building transportation in the regions, namely between the central government and local governments.
Furthermore, Hendro said that the involvement of the private sector in commercial-oriented financing in building transportation in the regions is one way to increase capacity in closing the limit on financing public transportation, both facilities and infrastructure in the APBD.
"The most important thing is commitment and willingness, so that the APBD can be used for other things such as building pioneer transportation," said Hendro.
Hendro emphasized that commitment is also important in collaboration between the central government and local governments.
Moreover, he said, urban transportation policies have three general principles, namely increasing the population of public transportation; reduce the use of private vehicles; and shorten the distance traveled by residents.
In addition, said Hendro, spatial planning also needs to be considered if you want to build mass transportation. Currently, decent and effective transportation has become a very important part of everyday life.
Hendro said the means of transportation used were not only demanded to be able to deliver people quickly but also to demand comfort, security, and feasibility.
"The form of real efforts by the government in the transportation sector is to provide public transportation services as a basic mandatory service. The function of public services can be seen through how the government provides public transportation," he said.