Optimism Of Achievement Of Tax Targets This Year Supported By HPP Law Reform

JAKARTA Tax revenue trends from year to year show an increasing performance. It is noted that positive trends began to occur in 2021 when tax revenues grew significantly by 20.4 percent.

The score has also returned to pre-pandemic levels. Then, steady performance continued in 2022 with growth reaching 31.4 percent.

Director of DDTC Fiscal Research & Advisory Bawono Kristiaji said the same thing would happen again in 2023. According to him, this year's tax revenue will exceed the target of IDR 1,718 trillion.

"Given the historical growth trend, the realization of annual tax revenues so far is in the range of 7-8 percent," he said in a statement quoted by the Ministry of Finance's website on Tuesday, July 11.

Mesi demikian, Bawono mengingatkan tetap ada potensi tekanan tekanan dari perundatan ekonomi global, khususnya pelemahan harga komoditas yang akan berdampak signifikan pada performa PPh Badan sepanjang 2023.

"The government needs to reduce dependence on revenue sources from the vulnerable natural resource commodity sector, either through downstreaming natural resources or optimizing other sectors," he said.

Therefore, he praised the steps taken by the state to take the initiative to reform the economy through the presence of the Law on Harmonization of Tax Regulations (UU HPP).

"The spirit of reform in the HPP Law is very important in encouraging increased revenue because it is proven to increase state revenue. But it should also be noted that the Minister of Finance must immediately issue several derivative regulations so that they can be executed in the field," he said.

The policies that are awaited are the technical provisions regarding anti-tax evasion, plans to appoint a marketplace platform provider in e-commerce as a payer/tax collector, as well as technical provisions for natura tax or taxes on facilities or pleasure provided by the company in the form of goods to employees or employees.

"Well, of course, we are waiting for these things so that if this provision is issued, it must be both in terms of administration and in terms of policies that can go hand in hand so that our tax revenues will be stronger in the future, especially in the midst of weakening commodity prices," he said.

VOI noted that until the first semester of 2023 tax revenues had reached Rp970.2 trillion. This figure is equivalent to 56.5 percent of this year's APBN ceiling which charges Rp1,718 trillion.