Summer Triggers Hot Waves Around The World Longing Many Lives
JAKARTA - This summer, with climate change has sparked extreme heat waves around the world, sparking weather warnings and claiming many lives.
Reported by ANTARA from Anadolu, Wednesday, July 5, from North America to Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, countries are struggling to face very hot weather.
In the United States, national warnings are issued when the heat is hot and humidity is stifling over various regions.
Mexico was also badly affected, with temperatures passing 40 degrees Celsius and more than 110 people losing their lives due to high temperatures.
Britain has passed the hottest June since recording began in 1884. The average temperature is 15.8 degrees Celsius, almost one degree higher than the previous high for the month.
Iran, known for its hot summer, is experiencing a surprising rate in some areas of 50 degrees Celsius.
Meanwhile in Spain, temperatures reached 44 degrees Celsius and the country faced alarming conditions during June, with 8 out of 17 autonomous governments issuing warning about rising temperatures.
In addition, Pakistan and India are also experiencing devastating effects due to the hot weather. Incidents related to the heat shock claimed the lives of 22 people in Pakistan, while more than 150 people died in India.
Even China is experiencing the hottest day of six decades, with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius.