TIP Task Force Rescues 1,943 Victims, 698 People Become Suspects

JAKARTA - The Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) Task Force for the period from June 5 to July 3, 2023 managed to save 1,943 victims of trafficking in persons and 698 perpetrators.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD assessed that the work of the TIP Task Force, led by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo as the daily executive chairman, has been very productive.

"In this 1 month, 698 suspects have been made from various regions in Indonesia. Second, this step was followed by the rescue of 1,943 victims. One month, the victim was 1,943 who could be saved," said Mahfud MD as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 4.

It was explained that the victims who were rescued consisted of 65.5 percent of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI), 26.5 percent of commercial sex workers (PSK), 6.6 percent of children who were exploited to work, and 1.4 percent of crew members (ABK).

"This is very productive, 698 suspects, 1,943 victims," said Mahfud, who also serves as a leader in the TIP Task Force.

Mahfud MD said that the TIP Task Force had also issued 605 police reports related to criminal acts of trafficking in persons.

"So, if there are types of crimes, there are people who (here) are online scammers (frauds from the internet) for gambling, prostitution, various kinds of things, then there are also rough workers on ships, household workers in various places who are not paid, but cannot go home because they have contracts, there is also torture in various countries, our migrant workers. Now it has begun to be handled," said the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

The TIP Task Force is currently also highlighting cases of organ trafficking whose victims are often prospective Indonesian migrant workers.

"The latest development, the type of crime is the trafficking of organs in Bekasi. Now people are sent abroad, their kidneys are sold, accommodated in various hospitals, and (victims) do not receive adequate treatment," said Mahfud.