Involved In Rape Cases To Persecution, Three Maluku Police Personnel Canceled Rank

Maluku Police Chief Inspector General Lotharia Latif was forced to cancel three Police personnel in Maluku who planned to be promoted to a higher level for the 77th Bhayangkara Day special period on July 1.
The cancellation of the promotion of the three police officers was because they were proven to have violated the code of ethics and discipline.
This was revealed during a promotion ceremony led by the Maluku Police Chief at the apple field behind the Maluku Police Headquarters, Ambon City, Friday.
"Today there are three personnel who I canceled their promotion, because they have violated the code of ethics and discipline," said the Kapolda as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 30.
Three personnel who were canceled for promotion were Brigadier RGS and Bripda ASM, members of the Maluku Regional Police, and Bripda PWS, members of the Tanimbar Islands Police.
Brigadier RGS committed violations of the professional code of ethics, criminal acts of rape, and persecution. Meanwhile, Bripda ASM violated discipline. Then Bripda PWS violated the professional code of ethics and committed immoral acts.
"In principle, every member who excels we give rewards or awards, but on the contrary, if they commit violations, we will give punishment or punishment," he asserted.
The Regional Police Chief said that the rank was a form of appreciation given by the organization to personnel for the achievements, dedication and dedication that had been given while on duty.
"The promotion is not a right, but it is a work achievement that is achieved through the process and mechanism in stages," said the Kapolda.