Government Brings 200 Wheelchairs From Indonesia To The Peak Of Hajj

MADINAH - The government brought in as many as 200 wheelchairs to be used at the peak of the hajj as an effort to provide maximum service to the congregation, in line with the theme of organizing this year's Hajj "Ramah Lansia".

"We have sent 200 additional wheelchairs from Indonesia, Alhamdulillah for the peak of Hajj (a pilgrimage in Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina on 8-13 Dzulhijjah)," said Director General of Umrah Hajj (PHU) Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Hilman Latief, in Medina, reported by ANTARA, Sunday, JUNE 18.

The wheelchair is to carry pilgrims who according to medicine still allow their health to follow a series of pilgrimages.

"But it is necessary to pay attention to carrying and escorting the wheelchair, then placing it there, and how it is located," said Hilman.

The addition of wheelchairs also adds to the preparedness and energy of officers, because specifically at Mina special attention is needed when the Hajj participants carry out the jumrah throw.

"To bring pilgrims in wheelchairs, then back again, there are technical requirements, this is indeed draining energy because of the distance," he said.

He said the wheelchair assistance came from Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) as many as 100 seats and the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) 100 units.

Attention to the congregation continues to be increased because this year Mina's condition is in normal condition with a density of 0.9 m2.

There are nine maktab of Indonesian pilgrims who will be placed in Mina jadid (distance round and round about 10 kilometers to throw a jumrah).

At the peak of the hajj, it is hoped that Indonesian pilgrims can maintain their health, because every year the death rate increases after the implementation of worship in Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina.