Encourage Healthy Living To Be Balanced, Regal Springs Indonesia Holds Health Talk Education On The Importance Of Fish Protein

Welcoming National Family Day, Legal Springs Indonesia (PT Aqua Farm Nusantara) educates Indonesian people about the importance of fish protein benefits. Referring to data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), the fish consumption rate in Indonesia is 56.48kg/capita in 2022. This number increased 2.39 percent compared to 2021 which is 55.16 kg/capita.

Seeing the trend of fish consumption in Indonesia, which has continued to increase in recent years, has become a momentum for Regal Springs Indonesia to continue campaign for the Fish Food Movement. This effort is packaged in the Legal Springs Health Talk webinar Healthy and Balanced with Fish Protein which was held today, Saturday, June 17. Rudolf Hoeffelman President Director of Regal Springs Indonesia in his speech said, through this regular program, Regal Springs Indonesia wants to educate the importance of maintaining high nutritional food intake, one of which is fish, because it can maintain the quality and food security of the family.

"The presence of Tilapia fillet products from Regal Springs Indonesia is one of our efforts to provide quality foodstuffs that are in accordance with the needs of the community in maintaining family nutrition," said Rudolf, "he explained. The importance of consuming protein as one of the macro nutrients is also emphasized by Dr-Ing. Stage H, STP, M.Food ST Food Nutrition Expert.

"It is important for families to pay attention to quality proteins as one of the nutritional foundations. Inside a piece of fish, such as Tilakia, there are not only proteins, but also minerals, omega 3, vitamin D and other nutrients that are important for building body tissue. Not only that, with skin proteins it can be brighter, maintain fluid and cell equilibrium, and strengthen antibodies or body immunity. Even in 100 kg of Tilapia fish, it can meet the individual protein needs of up to 34 percent in a day, "explained Dr. Dase. On this occasion, another speaker dr. Adrian Setiaji who is at the same time Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Resident, explains that protein is very crucial for the body.

The main function of protein, one of which is cell regeneration. Proteins belonging to macro-nutrients are formed from essential amino acids. To get this protein's needs, we need to get it from the food consumed, one of which is from animal and vegetable proteins, "said dr. Adrian. 10-15 percent of the energy sources needed by a person come from proteins. To optimize the protein function in the body, we also need to balance it with exercise or regular exercise. So, this protein can really become optimal to be a building substance and cell regeneration," added dr. Adrian.