Syahrul Yasin Limpo Called By KPK, NasDem: Please KPK Work According To The Field

Deputy Secretary General (Wasekjen) of the NasDem Party DPP Dedy Ramanta said the summons of the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo by the KPK related to the investigation into the alleged corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) as a normal event.

"For NasDem, of course, this is considered an ordinary incident because its name is also a suspicion, summoned, all citizens can also be summoned by law enforcement," said Dedy Ramanta, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 16.

Dedy Ramanta then invited the KPK to carry out an investigation as the domain of its territory.

"Please the KPK work according to the realm," said Dedy.

According to him, work that is against the law should be investigated as committed from the beginning of the NasDem Party.

"When government management occurs, things that may be suspected or considered or found that are not appropriate, I think it is purely a realm of law, yes, just do it," he said.

Dedy said Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo himself did not avoid being summoned by the KPK for questioning related to the investigation into the alleged corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Only asking for time to postpone because it relates to the state event schedule," he said.

The NasDem Party, he said, also asked Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo to attend to fulfill the KPK's summons. So far, his party has not summoned the Minister of Agriculture to talk about related issues.

"Not officially because of yesterday's events, the Minister's ordinary events as members of the expert council," he said.

He also admitted that he was optimistic about the performance of the Minister of Agriculture in the Jokowi government which was clean and had a good reputation, and hoped that there would be no serious problems in the summoning of the Minister of Agriculture by the KPK.

Although on the other hand, Dedy did not deny that his party would be concerned if the alleged corruption case that ensnared one of its cadres actually occurred.

"From the party aspect, of course we are concerned if it is true," he added.

According to him, the issue, which is still limited to allegations, was not immediately responded to reactively by the NasDem Party because his party is currently focusing on maximizing the political machinery to face the 2024 election.

"It's not a concern that then we have to prepare all kinds of things, no," he said.

He hopes that there will be no political tendencies from issues related to the alleged corruption case that ensnared the NasDem Party Expert Council member.

"If the survey was a kanmargin of error, we hope that in the 2024 election there will be no margin of terror," he said.