Cianjur Bawaslu Find 44 People Died Still On The Voter List

CIANJUR - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Cianjur Regency, West Java, still finds dozens of voter data that have died on the List of Voters while the results of the 2024 Elections (DPSHP) in a number of sub-districts.Coordinator of Prevention Division, Community Participation and Community Relations of Bawaslu, Cianjur Regency, Hadi Dzikri Nur said that the results of inventory and temporary reports from below, recorded at least 44 voters who are known to have died are still recorded in the DPSHP. "The number of people who have died in the DPSHP was reported by our officers on eight sub-districts, covering Cianjur, Cibeber, Cugenang, Pagelaran, Cidapula, Cikamulia, and Cijati Districts. Currently, analysis is still being carried out," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 15. According to Hadi, the cause of the still data of voters has died in the DPSHP because there is no evidence of a letter or death certificate so that the data is still recorded and has not been deleted.Bawaslu Cianjur has asked the district election supervisory committee to carry out data collection again so that when the DPSHP was ratified and subsequently became a Permanent Vote List (DPT) for the 2024 Election, no more names of people died were listed as voters. The results of the report will be submitted to the Cianjur General Election Commission as a form of correction. "DPT is related to the constitution of the citizens's constitution, then it will have an impact on the KPU when applying for printing ballots because it must be in accordance with the number of candidate voters. So, we will propose that there is no revision of the DPSHP," Hadi said. A member of the Socialization Division of Community Participation Education and SDM KPU Cianjur Rustiman said that the human data problem is mobile data so that when the data is still alive and today is dead. Data coming in from the data officer has indeed died, but there is no authentic evidence that the person concerned has died in the form

"The synchronization of data should have been completed since plenary at the PPS and PPK levels because data issues are possible when the PPS and sub-district levels are resolved. However, there are still reports that suddenly there are voters who die and there is evidence so that they are resolved at the district level," he said. Regarding the findings of 44 people who have died entering the DPSHP, his party has asked officers at the PPK and PPS levels to coordinate with village officials to issue a death certificate or death certificate.