Bobby Nasution: Massive Infrastructure Development In Medan Supports City Transformation

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution revealed that currently there is a massive infrastructure development in Medan, which has adequate budget strength. "Alhamdulillah, proportionally and the strength of the Medan City Government's budget can carry out massive development. Our budget this year is Rp7.86 trillion. This budget can be used to build and at the same time change the face of Medan City if it is focused on the predetermined priorities," said Bobby Nasution when receiving the visit of the Mayor of Sawahlunto Deri Asta in Meeting I of the Medan Mayor's Office, Friday 9 June. In front of guests from Sawahlunto, Bobby Nasution explained that the development with adequate budget was focused on five priority programs, namely health, cleanliness, infrastructure, flood management, and structuring of the historic area by empowering MSMEs. "That's why at the end of 2022, he said, in 2023 the Medan traffic will be more congested than 2022, because this year the development is more massive and massive. "But, God willing, in 2024, our target for infrastructure development will be completed and the level of comfort of the Medan people will rise than before," said Bobby Nasution, who in the meeting was accompanied by the Regional Secretary of Wiriya Alrahman, Assistant for the General Administration of Ferry Ichsan, and the Head of Communication and Information Technology of Medan, Arrahmaan Pane.

Di hadapan rombongan tamu yang juga terdiri atas Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Nova Erizon dan para wartawan Sawahlunto itu, Bobby Nasution juga mengatakan, media massa berperan dalam menyukseskan pembangunan. Media massa, sebutnya, beriringan dengan Pemkot Medan sehingga program-program pembangunan yang telah dan sedang dilaksanakan tersampaikan kepada masyarakat.Dalam pertemuan itu, wartawan Sawahlunto juga bertanya soal hubungan kerja sama antara Pemkot Medan dan wartawan. Kadis Kominfo Medan Arrahmaan Pane menjawab, hubungan Pemkot Medan dengan media terjalin dengan baik.Arrahmaan menjelaskan, Pemkot Medan bekerja sama dengan media cetak, elektronik, maupun online. Bentuk kerja samanya berupa pemberitaan, galeri foto, maupun iklan layanan. Dari tahun ke tahun, sebutnya lagi, jumlah media massa yang bekerja sama juga terus meningkat, terutama media online.Pertemuan ini berlangsung dalam suasana kekeluargaan. Kegiatan diwarnai dengan dialog dan diakhiri dengan saling tukar cinderamata.