Earning IDR 431.3 Billion Profit In 2022, Delta Dunia Group Distributes IDR 106.3 Billion Dividend

JAKARTA - PT Delta Dunia Makmur, Tbk (Delta Dunia Group) through the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) approved the distribution of dividends to shareholders amounting to a total of 7.15 million US dollars or around Rp. 106.3 billion.

President Director of Delta Dunia Group Ronald Sutardja said the dividend was part of the net profit earned by the company throughout 2022 worth US$29 million or around Rp431.3 billion of total revenue of US$1.554 billion or around Rp23.115 trillion.

"The company has paid an interim dividend of 5.15 million US dollars or around Rp. 76.6 billion to shareholders on December 30, 2022," he said in a written statement in Jakarta, Saturday.

The remaining 2 million dollars or around Rp. 29.7 billion will be paid in the form of final cash dividends with a schedule to be announced on the websites of the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the Delta Dunia Group.

Meanwhile, the remaining profit for the year attributable to the Company's parent entity amounting to US$21.5 million or around Rp319 billion will be allocated to strengthen the Company's capital.

Ronald added that throughout 2022 the company recorded revenue of 1.554 billion dollars or around Rp. 23.115 trillion, an increase of 71 percent from 2021.

Meanwhile, the GMS, which was held on June 8, 2023, also approved the Company's plan and/or PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA), a subsidiary of Delta Dunia Group, to issue a US Dollar-denominated Debt Letter to obtain an alternative financing.

This debt will later be offered to investors outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, with a maximum amount of 500 million US dollars or around Rp7.43 trillion.

"The plan to issue Debt securities aims to continue to strengthen the financial condition and business activities of BUMA," said Ronald.