Supporting The Birth Of National Athletes, PKT Participates In Supporting The National Youth Weightlifting Championship And Junior Pupuk Indonesia 2023

SURABAYA - Supporting the development of weightlifting, Pupuk Kaltim as part of the Pupuk Indonesia Group supports the holding of the 2023 Youth Weightlifting National Championship and Junior Pupuk Indonesia 2023. The event was held at the Ballroom Hotel Novotel Samator, Surabaya on June 5-10, 2023.
VP Marketing Business Partner Retail Pupuk Kaltim Yusva Sulistyo said that as part of the Pupuk Indonesia Group, Pupuk Kaltim also supports the development of national athletes, especially in the field of weightlifting.
"This program is a form of Pupuk Kaltim to provide support for Pupuk Indonesia Group together with its subsidiary Pupuk Indonesia Group, namely PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang and PT Petrokimia Gresik," he said, in a written statement, Friday, June 9.
So far, weightlifting has always gained gold and has become a tradition in the number competed in the world championship. Therefore, the development of young athletes is an important relay that must be continued and continues in order to make Indonesia proud in the international arena.
Meanwhile, Head of the Organizing Committee for the 2023 Youth Weightlifting National Championships, Sonny Kasiran, said that this activity involved 183 athletes and 77 coaches from 27 provinces.
"From Sumatra there are 6 provinces, Java 6 provinces, Bali, NTT, NTB, Kalimantan 4 provinces, Sulawesi 1 province and Papua 2 provinces," he said.
In this championship, a test was also carried out for 6 new referees. Data verification and youth and junior athletes have been carried out so that the implementation of the national championship is expected to run smoothly.
Secretary General of the Weightlifting Executive Board (PB PABSI) Djoko Pramono said that the implementation of this championship was entering the second year assisted by the Pupuk Indonesia Group.
"We are grateful to Pupuk Indonesia Group for helping and fully supporting this activity in order to produce potential athletes who are expected to become world champions and become athletes who will win the upcoming Olympics," he said.
Djoko added that the National Championship is part of long-term coaching that requires a special approach to fostering young talents through the use of measured sports science under the control of the PB PABSI Achievement Development section. Therefore, this activity requires great budget support so that the implementation of the National Championship is in line with the expected goal.
"We are very happy and proud because of the great interest from each region as evidenced by participants from almost all regions," he said.
He added that attention in each region to create young athletes has the potential to be more stretched. Djoko also hopes that the implementation of this National Championship can be continued continuously in the years to come.