5 Transactions You Can Pay Using PayLater, More Practical And Easy!

JAKARTA - Who doesn't know Paylater? In recent years, this credit payment method has become a popular choice for people in the country. So, you must have at least heard of it even though you have never used it. Of course there are several reasons why this payment method has succeeded in reaping great popularity. And one of them is the availability on various online shopping platforms in Indonesia, which means you can also use it to pay for various types of products or services. However, what exactly are the transactions that you can make using PayLater?

It's just that, once again remember that payment transactions with PayLater are not additional money that you can spend arbitrarily, regardless of the amount of the limit you get. You see, you obviously have to make installment payments or bills to pay off your paylaters, right?

Therefore, be careful in choosing what products you can make on credit using your paylater limit? Let's check the following recommendations!

1. Daily needs.

Shopping for daily necessities on credit using PayLater facilities can be a profitable solution, you know! The problem is, usually there is a special promo for payments made with this method. In fact, the promo is also quite able to help you save on spending on daily necessities. If you've been reluctant to activate your paylater offer for fear of being wasteful, this solution can be the right alternative for you to try. Because your name is the daily necessity, of course you do need it, right?2. monthly utility bills. Every month, what is the utility bill you pay? Usually, the utility bill that needs to be paid each month is a bill of electricity, BPJS Health, electricity, to credit. Well, products like this are very suitable to be paid using PayLater facilities to help you manage finances more carefully. Coupled, this payment method can also be used to buy credit or data packages on old dates before you get paid. That's how much you can directly pay your pay the paylater bill, etc.3. Goods to replace damaged goods. There are important items at home that are suddenly damaged? For example, motors to know that soak on old dates or wind fans suddenly cannot be used even though the dry season is hot. If so, you can take advantage of your paylater limit to immediately buy new goods as a substitute for the same thing that has been damaged. This solution can be a suitable answer rather than you have to earn savings or sacrifice the rest of your meal money, especially if you happen to be a child overseas with a fairly mediocre salary. So you can set aside the next salary allocation to manage PayLater more wisely. 4. Electronics or gadgets. Electronic or gadgets. Can you buy electronic or gadgets on credit can be a consumtive or productive debt, depending on what its use is. If you happen to buy a new oven to start a dry cake business or a new laptop to support your Stories, this purchase can be called productive debt. Of course, another if you buy electronic goods or gadgets using PayLater only because they are involved, if your name is waste.5. Tickets and travel. Do you know that PayLater can be a solution for which you have wanted a vacation, but always hindered from your savings balance? You can even pay for a ticket or a new plane

Interestingly, you can use Traveloka PayLater for various types of transactions in the Traveloka application. This means that you can also make ticket reservations for tourist attractions, buy tickets to watch in theaters, and pay monthly utilities bills using this one feature, you know!

Regarding the installments, you also don't need to worry because you can pay in a tenor of 3, 6, to 12 months. Even if you are lucky to be one of the selected users, you can enjoy the tenor for up to 24 months, you know!