2 Tiger Skin Sellers In Pelalawan Arrested
The Bear Brigade's Rapid Response Forestry Police Unit (SPORC) arrested three sellers of protected animal parts of the Sumatran tiger, namely JI (37), YW (27), and AI (43).
"The perpetrators were arrested while waiting for buyers in Teluk Meranti Village, Bunut District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau," said Supriadi, an investigator at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry at the Gakkum LHK office in Pekanbaru, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 8.
When arrested, the three perpetrators admitted their actions and then SPORC developed this case and confiscated evidence stored in the room of Mega Lestari's guesthouse, Meranti Bay.
SPORC also confiscated two tiger skins, four animal stalks, five clear plastic sheets of tiger skin wrappers, one blue backpack, one gray backpack and one motorcycle.
"We also secured AI perpetrators, but their status is still as witnesses. This AI role is still being investigated, because he admits that he only helps," said Supriadi.
The arrests of the perpetrators began with reports from the public that there were residents who would sell tiger skins along with parts of the Sumatran tiger. The SPORC Team of the Bear Brigade headed to the intended location and immediately made arrests. The perpetrators were JI, YW and Al.
Head of the Sumatra LHK Gakkum Center, Subhan, as an appreciation of the operating team that has succeeded in thwarting the trade in protected animals, because the animal species is getting rarer.
The Sumatran tiger, said Sustyo Iriyono, is a priority animal and is the pride of Indonesia. In the food chain, the Sumatran tiger is the top predator so it plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.
"The hunting and trade of protected animals is a serious crime and is a concern for the international community. We must stop this crime and take firm action, the perpetrator must be punished to the maximum in order to have a deterrent and fair effect," said Sustyo Iriyono.