Ministry Of Transportation Improves Transportation Infrastructure In Tourist Destinations

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) is committed to building infrastructure for transportation facilities and infrastructure in tourist destinations to support proud travel programs in Indonesia.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi when he was present at the exhibition at the Indonesia Aja Travel Fair (DIATF) organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) in Jakarta, Friday, May 19.

"We continue to be committed to building, increasing the role and connecting various tourism destinations which will later become a source of income not only for the state but also for local governments, as well as the local community," said the Minister of Transportation, quoted by ANTARA.

He said support for transportation infrastructure development had been carried out in the new Bali five super priority tourist destination area.

A number of infrastructures have been built, including building 13 crossing port points in Lake Toba, construction of the Yogyakarta International Airport 'Kulonprogo Airport Train, construction of the Solo Balapan Railroad (KA) Adi Soemarmo Airport, construction of Gili Trawangan Port, improvement of facilities at Likupang Port, and development of Labuan Bajo tourism.

"The president always advises, make a delivery infrastructure, which means it is useful for the community. Tourism is one of the most important activities for us to support. Therefore, collaboration between ministries and the private sector is important. I really appreciate this event. Hopefully what we are doing is beneficial for the nation," said the Minister of Transportation.

DIATF is one of the implementations of the proud program to travel in Indonesia. This activity presents attractive tour packages to promote Indonesian tourism and as an invitation for Indonesians to choose to vacation in the country and love tourist destinations in Indonesia more while at the same time encouraging tourism in the regions.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in 2023 targets domestic tourist travel of 1.2 to 1.4 billion or a double increase from 2022. Meanwhile, the number of foreign tourists in Indonesia is targeted at 8.5 million.

"We are very optimistic that we can achieve this target. We hope that in the future we can collaborate more together to raise Indonesian tourism," said Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Angela Tanoesoedibjo.