Use Positions To Circulate Methamphetamine As Considerations Inspector General Teddy Minahasa Sentenced To Life In Prison

JAKARTA - Former West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Teddy Minahasa was sentenced to life imprisonment in cases of distribution and sale of methamphetamine.
The panel of judges has some burdensome considerations behind it, ranging from taking advantage of his position to betray the President.
"The defendant actually involved himself and his subordinates by utilizing his position in illicit narcotics trafficking so that he was very contradictory to his duties and responsibilities as Kapolda and did not reflect as a good law enforcement officer and protecting the community," said Chief Judge Jon Sarman Saragih at the West Jakarta District Court (PN), Tuesday, May 9.
Then, Inspector General Teddy Minahasa was also considered not to admit his actions and was convoluted in giving information during the trial.
In fact, the defendant Teddy Minahasa was considered to have enjoyed the sale of methamphetamine. His actions did not reflect the good members of the National Police.
Then, Teddy is considered to have betrayed the President of Indonesia and did not support the government's program to eradicate drug trafficking.
"The defendant's actions as Kapolda have betrayed the President's orders in law enforcement and eradicating illicit narcotics trafficking," said Judge Jon.
Inspector General Teddy Minahasa is considered to have ordered AKBP Dody Prawiranegara to set aside evidence of methamphetamine from the results of the disclosure of the case to be circulated.
The Bukitgi Police initially wanted to destroy 40 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, but Inspector General Teddy Minahasa allegedly ordered to exchange five kilograms of crystal methamphetamine for tawas.
The methamphetamine was brought to Jakarta to be allegedly circulated again by involving Kasranto, Linda, Arif, and former member of the Muara Baru Police, Aiptu Janto Parluhut Situmorang.
However, the embezzlement of drug evidence was finally uncovered by a series of disclosures of narcotics cases by the Central Jakarta Metro Police and Polda Metro Jaya.
A total of 1.7 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine has been circulated, while the remaining 3.3 kilograms have been confiscated by officers.
Teddy Minahasa was charged with Article 114 paragraph 2 subsidiary Article 112 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 55 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.