North Sumatra Police Examines President Director Of PT ANR Related To The Solar Warehouse Case Guarded By AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan
The North Sumatra Regional Police examined the President Director of PT ANR with the initials E regarding the alleged illegal warehouse for diesel fuel storage (BBM) on Jalan Guru Sinumba, Medan Helvetia.
"Yes, once again we say that it is still in progress. Investigators are still digging and investigating the existing witnesses, including those previously submitted (Director of PT ANR, E)," said Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police Kombes Hadi Wahyudi in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 4.
A case was held by investigators from the North Sumatra Regional Police's Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) to determine the status of a suspect was also carried out.
"We will wait for tomorrow (5/5), from the results of the case title from the Crimean investigator," said Hadi.
Untuk pemeriksaan saksi lain, tim penyidik masih melihat perkembangan dari hasil proses penyidikan yang dilakukan saat ini. "Sampai saat ini kasus solar yang saya tahu sudah ada tujuh saksi yang diperiksa," ujarnya.
Before conducting the examination, PT ANR's attorney, Fendi, said that there were two things he wanted to convey. First, the client's company has a permit.
"Secondly, our client as a good citizen fulfills the summons of the Police, never runs away, cooperates, if called always attends," he said.
President Director (Managing Director) of PT ANR, E, said that he had never run away from the examination and was always cooperative. When this news was published, the investigators were still conducting an examination of the President Director of PT ANR.
Previously, AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan was also involved in the solar warehouse as a supervisor. The North Sumatra Police said he received Rp7.5 million per month from PT ANR.