Differences In Eid Day Don't Cause Polemics

JAKARTA - The determination of Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri/2023 AD has the potential to experience differences. The Indonesian House of Representatives appealed to all Muslims to continue to respect each other and maintain brotherhood.
"If there will be differences in determining Eid al-Fitr, we still have to respect each other. This difference is something that is commonplace, the most important thing is that Muslims in Indonesia can maintain ukhuwah or brotherhood," said Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI, Ace Hasan Syadzily, Wednesday 19 April.
The momentum of Ramadan must be able to increase the solidity and cohesiveness of Muslims. Ace reminded that maintaining Islamic ukhuwah always needs to be put forward.
"Don't because of the difference in the determination of the date of Eid and then cause a prolonged polemic. Let's take care of the ukhuwah Islamiyah (brotherhood of fellow Muslims), ukhuwah basyariah (brotherhood of fellow human beings) and ukhuwah wathoniyah (brotherhood of our fellow Arabs)," he said in a written statement.
Furthermore, Ace hopes that all parties can obey what has been decided by the Government as a middle ground to avoid differences of opinion. However, if there is still a difference of opinion, he asked that it be respected.
"What has been determined by Ulil Amri (government) should be a mechanism to avoid differences. Because differences of opinion in Fiqh are normal, something that usually happens," said Ace.
The leadership of the House of Representatives Commission in charge of religious affairs also believes that all Muslims in Indonesia are mature in faith. Therefore, Ace believes that the difference in syawal 1444 Hijri's determination will not cause division.
"Always and always we have to maintain religious harmony even if there are differences. That is our identity as a nation that upholds the values of Pancasila," said the legislator from the West Java II electoral district.
On the other hand, Ace hopes that the Regional Government (Pemda) can facilitate people who want to hold Eid prayers together. Such as the use of fields managed by the Regional Government so that they can be opened and allowed to become places for Eid prayers.
"Support from the Government plus awareness from the public to be able to respect each other will create mutual comfort during the celebration of Eid al-Fitr 2023," said Ace.
"Certainly, Eid al-Fitr worship will be more beautiful for all who carry out, and the presence of harmony between religious communities will make Eid celebrations more meaningful," he concluded.