5 Benefits Of Interacting Socially For The Mood And Quality Of Life

YOGYAKARTA Humans are social creatures that naturally require interaction with fellow humans. But along with advances in technology, digital interaction increases loneliness. According to research reports in 2019, before the pandemic as many as 3 out of 5 Americans were reported to be lonely. After the pandemic, the number increased, especially among young people.

Departing from the facts above, people who are less socially interacting and lack of peer support, have poor mental health. Given this, here are the benefits of social interaction for mood and quality of life.

Humans have daily activities that are busy. Starting from work, playing the role of parents, fulfilling responsibilities, and carrying out other tasks. Because of the many daily activities, social interaction can help balance daily roles and tasks.

Social connections can offer a number of mental health benefits. Such as increasing mood, reducing stress, and increasing self-esteem. This is shown from the results of research by the American Cancer Society (ACS) which examines data from more than 580,000 adults and finds that social isolation causes depression, insomnia, and cognitive decline.

Another study reported by PsychCentral shows that social isolation can increase the chances of dying by at least 50 percent. Lack of human relationships is found to be more dangerous than obesity and smoking.

Loneliness affects not only physical health, but also emotional health. Lack of social interaction, according to research in 2019, is associated with obesity, heart disease, and smoking. Other studies attribute that social isolation less increases the risk of stroke and heart disease by 30 percent.

A person will feel laughter and tears from interacting with close friends. In moments with friends, a person can express his emotions so that the brain releases dopamine and endorphins. That way you will feel comfortable, happy, and improve your mood.

Those are the five benefits of social interaction for mood and quality of life. Because it plays a major role in life, you can improve your connection with your surroundings appropriately and effectively.