How Are The Results Of Anies' Cycling Evaluation, Asked By PKS?
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has budgeted billions of rupiah this year for the evaluation and optimization of existing bicycle lanes in the capital city. Months ago it was planned, now a question.
Secretary of the PKS faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Mohammad Taufik Zoelkifli, admitted that he was surprised. Until now, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono and his staff have not revealed the results of the evaluation of the bicycle lanes that have been built since the leadership of Anies Baswedan.
"The money from the bicycle lane budget is for evaluation," he said. Well, people are waiting. Where is the evaluation?" Taufik told reporters, Friday, April 14.
Taufik said that currently many bicycle lanes are misused by the public for parking spaces and are rarely supervised by the ranks of the Transportation Service. Then, many bicycle lane barriers are damaged and not repaired.
In fact, continued Taufik, while he was still leading Jakarta to build hundreds of kilometers of bicycle lanes to increase public interest in mobilizing by bicycle. At the same time, reducing the use of motorized vehicles as a source of pollution.
"The bicycle lane was made during Pak Anies' time to clean the Jakarta sky which was included in the Jakarta Langit Biru program. One of them was with the invitation for residents to use bicycles while the government made good bicycle lanes. Now it's all a mess and there is no new direction from the transportation system in Jakarta," he explained.
As is known, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has allocated a budget for bicycle lanes of IDR 7.5 billion in the draft APBD for the 2023 fiscal year.
Although budgeted again, the budget allocation is not used to increase the length of bicycle lanes in Jakarta.
In detail, the budget of Rp. 2 billion is allocated to evaluate or study existing bicycle lanes, Rp. 500 million for the socialization of bicycle lanes in each administrative city, and Rp. 5 billion for the optimization of existing bicycle lanes.
In an evaluation program with a budget of IDR 2 billion, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency will later conduct a study on the conditions for the use of bicycle lanes on existing roads.
Meanwhile, optimizing bicycle lanes with a budget of IDR 5 billion will be used for repairs to the transfer of bicycle lanes which are considered less than optimal.
Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that currently his party is holding an open auction to find qualified consultants in the evaluation of bicycle lanes.
"Our new budget is now included in the auction process for his consultant services. The winner who is appointed through the auction process is of course by BPTJ (Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency)," Syafrin told reporters, Wednesday, January 25.