Accueil > Économie President Jokowi Gathers Potential Investors At IKN After Eid 05 April 2023, 17:00 President Jokowi when gathering governors throughout Indonesia at IKN Nusantara/DOK VIA ANTARA Tag: nasional ikn nusantara basuki hadimuljono kementerian pupr investasi jokowi joko widodo Nouvelles connexes : | NOUVELLES Diving Under Boat, Singapore Girl Dies Dragged By Baling-baling In Maldives | NOUVELLES France's Strongest Nuclear Reactor In Normandy Finally Operates | NOUVELLES Tulungagung LP Officers Thwart Methamphetamine Smuggling Hidden In Hijab | NOUVELLES Thick Ash Soars As High As 2000 Meters From Mother's Mountain Activities In West Halmahera | NOUVELLES Tells The Crimean War, Putin Says He's Ready To Normalize Relations With The US-West | MODE DE VIE 10 Somatic Therapy Methods That Help Overcome Stress And Anxiety