700 Thousand TB Cases In 2022 Set The Highest Record In Indonesia, Most Number 3 Termpati In The World

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Mohammad Syahril revealed that the tuberculosis (TBC) case in 2022 recorded the highest record in Indonesia. Indonesia's 2022 TB case is 700 thousand.
"Detection is the first step to be able to treat patients with tuberculosis, so that in 2022 a massive TB detection will be carried out," said Syahril in Jakarta, Friday, March 31, as quoted by Antara.
Indonesia is ranked third after India and China, namely with 824 thousand cases and 93 thousand deaths per year or the equivalent of 11 deaths per hour.
Based on the 2022 Global TB Report, the number of TB cases is mostly in the productive age group, especially at the age of 25 to 34 years.
The highest number of TB cases in Indonesia is experienced by the productive age group, especially at the age of 45 to 54 years.
According to him, the number of TB cases in Indonesia is the highest number since the disease that affects the lungs became a national priority program.
Syahril, who is also the President Director of RSPI Sulianti Saroso, said the highest detection of TB disease was due to the increasingly intense commitment from the government and surveillance.
"Indonesian Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin asked all levels of health to prioritize the search for TB sufferers, so that 90 percent of that number can be detected by 2024," he said.
Syahril said, the Ministry of Health has made new protocols, in collaboration with various associations and professional organizations. This includes encouraging Global Fund funds that are channeled to provinces, districts and cities to be realized more quickly.
To accelerate the handling of TB, said Syahril, the Indonesian government established cooperation in controlling TB with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on November 14, 2022.
The UAE through the PEA Embassy Diplomatic Note in Jakarta Number 1/3/19-281 conveyed the commitment of the United Arab Emirates Government to provide a grant in the form of a Financial Aid of 10 million US dollars to support the TB prevention program in Indonesia.
He added that the discovery of cases as early as possible and complete treatment until recovery is one of the most important efforts in cutting off transmission of tuberculosis in the community.
The success rate of drug-sensitive TB treatment in Indonesia in 2022 is 85 percent, while the success rate of drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment in Indonesia in 2022 is generally 55 percent.
The National TB Elimination Strategy as stated in Presidential Decree No. 67 of 2021 concerning Tuberculosis Management instructs strengthening commitments, increasing access to TB services, optimizing TB promotion and prevention efforts, TB treatment, and controlling infections, utilizing research and technology results.