Disabled, Zulfan Lindan Calls Surya Paloh And Elite NasDem Uncomfortable With Anies' Statement Antitesa Jokowi
JAKARTA - Zulfan Lindan said that the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, was uncomfortable with Anies Baswedan's statement, namely the antitheses of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) which he had made. This is what caused him to be disabled from the management of the party.
"After I declared Anies Baswedan as Jokowi's antithesis, apparently the statement, we already know that it is not comfortable for the general chairman of the NasDem Party and elite friends in the Nasdem Party. So I issued a letter to deactivate me as an administrator," he said as quoted from his YouTube account. Zulfan Lindan Unpacking Indonesia, Thursday, March 23.
Zulfan admitted that he could accept his party's decision. However, since then he intends to withdraw from NasDem.
"Especially on some of my main YouTubes, it's like dealing directly with the General Chair of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh," he said.
"I think if it's like this I can't join this one party," Zulhan continued.
This politician admitted that he chose to move independently after resigning from his party. Moreover, Zulhan never pursued any power so he felt he did not have to be in NasDem.
"It's more comfortable for me and maybe more clear when I convey the thoughts and ideas of criticism and autocriticalism that I will convey to the public," said Zulhan.
Previously, Zulfan Lindan, who served as Chairman of the NasDem Party DPP, once said that Anies Baswedan was an anite from President Joko Widodo. This is because the Governor of DKI Jakarta is considered to have the ability to think conceptually formulated in policy.
According to him, other figures who are predicted to become presidential candidates (candidates) will not be like Anies but all of them look like Jokowi. Thus, the NasDem Party decided to carry Anies as a presidential candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).
"We see Jokowi as a test, thesis, think and work, his thesis is like that from Jokowi. Then we look for antitheses, what are the antitests? From Jokowi's antitheses, Anies," said Zulfan at the time.