Defense University Holds Human Resources Management Seminar In Supporting National Defense

The Dean of the Faculty of Defense Management (FMP) of the Indonesian Defense University (IDU), Major General TNI Agus Winarna, SIP, MSI, MTr (Han), officially opened the Seminar on the Results of the Domestic Work Lecture (KKDN) of the Defense Management Faculty (FMP) of the Indonesian Defense University. The theme was "National Resources Management in Supporting National Defense" which took place in a hybrid manner from the Graduate Campus of the Indonesian Defense University, Jl. Salemba Raya No.14, Central Jakarta. Tuesday 21 March.

The Dean of the Defense Management Faculty (FMP) of the Indonesian Defense University in his speech emphasized that the KKDN Result Seminar activity was a continuation of the Domestic Work Lecture activity as part of the learning process at UNHAN RI, which aims to increase knowledge and experience insight to students, as well as implement the knowledge that has been obtained to conduct research in the fields of defense management, defense economy and energy security.

"South Sulawesi is the location for consideration of the discourse related to the development of the management of renewable energy sources in order to support the energy transition to net zero emissions 2060, as the reason for choosing it as the location of the KKDN. Not only that, South Sulawesi is one of the areas traversed by the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Lane (ALKI) II is a development route for the State Capital (IKN) and with a maritime/sea-based development paradigm so it must be utilized and directed at regional economic growth and regional development to support Indonesia's defense from military and non-military threats," said Agus Winarna.

The Dean of the Defense Management Faculty (FMP) of the Indonesian Defense University hopes that presentations from resource persons can provide a comprehensive understanding to seminar participants and open insights into future possibilities.

"Hopefully the 2023 KKDN Result Seminar can be an optimism and produce tangible results that are beneficial for Indonesia's national defense system, especially strategies, policies that have been, are moderate and will be taken by the government in the governance of national resources to achieve targets and achievements in the future, both long-term and medium-term," Agus Winarna hoped.

In this KKDN Result Seminar, three students from the Faculty of Defense Management (FMP) and three respondents reviewed the presentations made by students.

The first presentation from a student named Reinpal Falefi, came from a Defense Management Study program that explained the Defense Management in Maintaining Maritime and Air Safety and Security in South Sulawesi'. Followed by a second presentation by a student named Prayogi Aprilianto, came from a Defense Economic Study program that explained the Management for Blue Economy Potential Management in Supporting National Defense.

While the third presentation was given by Karolus Evantino students, it came from the Energy Resilience Study program which explained the 'Influence of the Nickel Processing Industry and the Provision of Electricity Needs from Renewable Energy Sources to the East Luwu Regency PDRB'.

The explanations made by the students were responded to by 4 responses, including: Dr. M. Ilyas, ST., M.Sc., IPU as Head of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service of South Sulawesi Province; Dr. Tri Fenny Widayanti, SH, MH as Lecturer at Hasanuddin University; Prof. Ir. M. Sidik Boedoyo, M.Eng as Professor of the Indonesian Defense University and Dr. Yudi Sutrasna, MM as Permanent Lecturer of the Defense Management Faculty of the Indonesian Defense University.

The series of events hosted by the Moderator Dr. Sri Murtiana, S.Sos., MM as the Permanent Lecturer of the Indonesian Defense University, Faculty of Defense Management, Defense Economic Study followed by 117 people via zoom, including students from the Faculty of Defense Management 70 people, 47 assistant lecturers, Sesprodi, Study Staff from FMP Unhan RI.