Police Arrest 2 Collectors Of Used Clothes From Malaysia In Bali
DENPASAR - The Bali Police arrested two collectors of used imported clothes with the initials J and B. 117 bales of evidence were confiscated.
"The total loss to the state is IDR 1,170,000,000," said Bali Police Chief Inspector General Putu Jayan Danu Putra, Monday, March 20.
Initially, the police received information about a warehouse for imported used clothes in Kampung Kodok, Tabanan. The police team visited the location.
During the inspection, the warehouse owner with the initials J found that the imported used clothes were purchased at Gedebage Market, Bandung, West Java.
10 bales were sold to a warehouse owner with the initial B in Surabaya, East Java.
"We carry out this activity, of course, based on the findings in the field as well as the rampant trade in imported clothing goods whose sources are illegal. We just happened to find out that the storage or collectors are in the Tabanan area," said Inspector General Putu.
These used clothes come from Malaysia. These clothes were sent by sea to Gedebagee, Bandung. From there, the clothes are transported by truck to Tabanan Bali.
"Then it shifts back to be distributed in Bali, and from Tabanan it is distributed to retail traders," he explained.
The perpetrators of collectors of imported used clothes are charged with Article 62 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 8 paragraph (2) of Law Number 8 of 1999 regarding Consumer Protection.
"Our effort is that every time there is an activity like this, it used to be annihilated. Ketangkep was destroyed, but the last time we tried it was with the Consumer Protection Act, we consulted it and this can be imposed like this. So there is an effect that we hope will have an effect later and not just extermination," said the Bali Police Chief.