Increase Electrification, PLN 'Setrum' 2,110 Underprivileged Houses In Cianjur

JAKARTA - The government through PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) (PLN) provides Electricity New Installation Assistance (BPBL) to as many as 2,110 underprivileged residents in Cianjur Regency.

This assistance is in line with PLN's commitment to support the government's program in increasing the electrification ratio (RE). The inauguration and first ignition were carried out on Wednesday, March 15 to aid recipients in Cihea Village, Haurwangi District, Cianjur Regency, West Java.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo stated that PLN will continue to support the government's efforts to increase the electrification ratio (RE) so that all people can access electricity so that it can help boost the wheels of the economy.

"This is a form of PLN's effort to support programs designed by the Government, where all people can experience and access electricity and hopefully with this electricity, it can improve people's standard of living and move the wheels of the economy," said Darmawan.

Darmawan added that electricity is the basic need of the community, in line with the 5th principle of Pancasila, every citizen has the right to electricity.

"We are grateful for the collaboration between Commission VII and the government so that the new installation of electricity can be carried out well. This is our contribution at PLN to be able to illuminate the whole country," Darmawan continued.

Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Eddy Soeparno also said that electricity is very beneficial for residents, but not all of them are able to pay connection fees.

"Thank you to PLN and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the cooperation in connecting electricity to the community. Hopefully in the future there will be more be beneficiaries of the BPBL program," said Eddy.

In line with Eddy, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Director of Engineering and the Electricity Environment, M. P. Dwinugroho conveyed that the availability of sufficient, reliable and environmentally friendly electricity is a necessity of the community. However, there are still people who have not been able to enjoy electricity due to cost constraints.

"One of the Government's efforts to increase the electrification ratio and provide access to electricity to the community is through the BPBL program. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources hopes that good cooperation between Commission VII, the Cianjur district government and PLN can continue to be established," said Dwinugroho.