How To Do Market Research? Recognize 4 General Methods

YOGYAKARTA How to do market research is one of the skills that must be mastered, especially for business people. This step is taken to understand things related to the market starting from the need, market experience for a product, and so on. After market data is obtained, the company is expected to be able to conduct evaluations which are then converted to products produced.

In general, market research is a technique used to gather information to understand the target market of a company or business. To achieve this goal, the company must know how to do market research.

It should be noted that market research is carried out in different ways, depending on the need. Currently, there are four general methods by the sales team to understand the targeted market, namely as follows.

Surveys are research conducted with qualitative research. Market research by means of a survey is conducted by presenting a number of questions both open and closed to respondents or the public who are target markets. The question itself can be asked in the form of a questionnaire either directly or through digital media.

This method is widely used because it is easy and practical. In addition, the data results needed are more focused so it is not difficult to process market data results. In addition, the survey is also easy, cheap, and fast.

The next market research method is an interview. The way to do this research method is to have a one-on-one conversation with the people who are targeted by the company's market.

Interviews are conducted to get more detailed results. Researchers don't even get the data obtained from verbal interviews, but can be obtained from body language, personality that is read through the clothes worn, and so on.

Market research with interviews is considered quite effective in attracting the market because it is more personal so that public empathy can be achieved effectively.

Market research with this method is carried out by collecting several selected people based on the company's target criteria. After all gathering at one time and place, the moderator will discuss products, user experience, or other things that will increase the company's insight more fully.

You can do this method but the costs required are quite large. In addition, if not done carefully, one of the dominant group participants can move against companies that hold focus groups.

Observation is observation. Companies can make observations of the data collected from market targets. The company will take notes on the results of observations of users of certain products, both its own products and competing products.

This method has several advantages such as cheaper. In addition, the data obtained is considered organic because users will show their most natural response when they intersect with certain products.

For those of you who want to do market research, there are several things that must be prepared, namely as follows.

In addition to how to do market research, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.