Involved In IDR 1.2 Billion Village Fund Management Corruption, Former Keuchik In Nagan Raya Aceh Detained

ACEH - Kejari Nagan Raya, Aceh Province detained a former village head (keuchik) of Meugatmeh Village, Nagan Raya District for allegedly committing a criminal act of corruption in the management of village funds worth IDR 1.2 billion.

"We are detaining the suspect AS (64) in a corruption case involving irregularities in the management of the village budget (APBG) in Gampong Meugatmeh, East Seunagan District, Nagan Raya Regency for 2018 to 2021 fiscal year," said the Head of the Intelligence Section of the Nagan Raya Aceh District Prosecutor's Office, Achmad Rendra Pratama at Suka Makmue, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, March 13.

The suspect AS was detained at the Meulaboh Class II B Penitentiary, West Aceh District, after previously undergoing questioning at the Kejari Nagan Raya.

The alleged corruption case was uncovered starting from a letter from the District Head of Seunagan Timur, Nagan Raya Regency addressed to the Head of the Community Empowerment, Gampong, Population Control, and Women's Empowerment Service (DPMGP4) Nagan Raya, which was copied to the Head of the local District Attorney.

The letter contained a request to block Meugatmeh Village's account at the Meulaboh KPPN office because it was suspected that he had falsified the signature document of the Seunagan Timur Sub-District Head.

The forgery of the sub-district head's signature allegedly contained submissions for Village Fund No.412/122/2022 concerning Requests for Distribution of Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) for the first quarter of the 2022 Fiscal Year which was addressed to the Head of DPMGP4 on March 14, 2022.

The Nagan Raya District Attorney's Office for Special Crimes Team then conducted an investigation so that initial evidence was obtained that budget accountability was made unreal and some were even fictitious.

In the investigation by the prosecutor's office, he said, it was found that there was an illegal act (on rech matige daad) that caused losses to state/regional finance in the management of the APBG in Gampong Meugatmeh, East Seunagan District, Nagan Raya Regency for the 2018 to 2021 Fiscal Year.

As for the actions allegedly committed by the suspect AS, he was carried out by accounting for the fictitious use of Village Funds (DD) and Village/Gampong Fund Allocations (ADD/G), the difference in payments, and there was no accountability for the use of the budget.

According to Achmad Rendra Pratama, the process of channeling village funds and allocation of village/gampong Meugatmeh funds in 2018 to 2021 will be carried out in four stages, and the process of channeling these funds has been fully accounted for and the realization has reached 100 percent.

Based on the results of the investigation conducted, it was found that the APBG/APBGP Gampong Meugatmeh Accountability Letter (SPJ) for the Fiscal Year 2018 to 2021 was fictitious, based on the statements of witnesses and investigations carried out, it was found that the recipient had never received funds/money as contained on the Gampong Meugatmeh SPJ.

Then it was also found that in the APBG/APBG-P Gampong Meugatmeh accountability letter (SPJ) for 2018 to 2021 fiscal year, the party receiving as stated in the SPJ did not receive money or funds as large as contained in the SPJ or there was a difference in payment.

Based on the SPJ documents for the 2018 to 2021 fiscal year obtained from the Gampong Meugatmeh Government Apparatus, it was also obtained the fact that there was the use of the 2018 to 2021 APBG for which there was no accountability.

He explained that an investigation into this alleged corruption case had been carried out which began on July 25, 2022, with an investigation warrant Number: PRINT-01/L.1.29/Fd.1/07/2022 dated July 25, 2022, and 47 witnesses had been summoned.

"The suspect AG was detained for 20 days from March 13 2023 to April 1, 2023," said Achmad Rendra Pratama.

Nagan Raya Prosecutor's Office, Aceh Province detained AS (64 years), a former village head (keuchik) of Meugatmeh Village, East Seunagan District, Nagan Raya District.