OJK Places Women As Priority Segments In Financial Education

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) continues to prioritize women to get financial education.

According to the Chief Executive of the Behavior Supervisory of Financial, Education and Consumer Protection Business Actors, OJK Friderica Widyasari Dewi, women play an important role in managing finances in the domestic realm and earning income through micro-enterprises.

"The national strategy of financial literacy also places women as a priority segment in financial education, with strategic programs including the Learning Management System containing various complete modules for women's financial education," he said, quoting Antara.

Based on the National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion (SNLIK) OJK in 2022, the level of women's financial literacy has reached 50.33 percent or slightly higher than men, which is 49.05 percent.

However, the level of women's financial inclusion of 83.88 percent is still lower than that of men which amounted to 86.28 percent.

Therefore, the increase in women's financial literacy is also expected to increase women's financial inclusion, among others, through the Financing Credit Against Moneylenders (KPMR) program, which is aimed primarily at women who are MSME actors.

Until the end of 2022, KPMR has been implemented in 82 Regional Financial Access Acceleration Teams (TPAKD) with a value of IDR 27.11 trillion for 993.32 thousand debtors.

In addition, the consumer protection program, especially for women and mothers, is also prioritized by the OJK.

"The MSME financing ecosystem and consumer protection are also expanded by digitizing technology-based joint funding services or fintech lending and security crowd funding," he said.