Polda Metro Investigate Mario Dandy's Confession About David Ozora Harassing His Sister

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will investigate the information of the suspect Mario Dandy who said that his younger brother had been harassed by David Ozora.This statement was conveyed by Mario when he was reprimanded and scolded by witness N for being found molesting the child of an Anshor GP official."Yes, we will explore it," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Friday, March 10.In fact, it is emphasized that this is also the focus of deepening. Because, that reason could be the motive behind the persecution."We will focus on the offense that occurred, the offense of a criminal act that occurred, even serious injuries, until now we are not aware," said Hengki.Alibi Mario Dandy about David having abused his sister began when witness N shouted at Mario from the balcony of his house because he saw someone lying helpless.Then, witness N immediately went down and approached Mario. He then reprimanded and scolded him."When I ran from the balcony I appointed the perpetrator I said 'what are you doing here' I was the owner of this house," said N, calling into his words at the time.In fact, when N found out that the person who was lying down was David, he immediately asked the reason behind the persecution.That's when Mario argued that David had abused his sister's friend. The notable sister in question is AG."When I found out this David I asked 'you're my child' MDS replied 'he abused my sister aunt’," said N.For information, in this case Mario Dandy is suspected of under Article 355 of the Criminal Code paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 354 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, which is more subsidiary to Article 353 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, which is more subsidiary to Article 352 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code. Then, Article 76c junto Article 80 of the Child Protection Law.