Immunization Reaches 100 Percent, Zero Rubella Cases In Biak 2023

BIAK - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Biak Numfor Papua claims that there are no cases of Rubella Measles from 2022 to February 2023. This is related to the achievement of immunization which has reached more than 100 percent. The Biak Numfor District Health Service (Dinkes) of Biak Numfor Regency, Papua increased immunization supervision for children to prevent early detection of the Rubella vaccine disease. "The Biak Numfor Regency has so far reached the highest immunization gain and received awards from the Papua Health Office of all regencies/cities in Papua Province with an achievement of 108.26 percent. As for 2023, according to Ruslan, the target for immunization of children in Biak Numfor Regency is 3,131 people spread by 257 villages and 14 sub-districts. Ruslan admits, the higher the achievement of immunization for children in Biak Numfor Regency is expected to increase children's immunity and infants. "Dinkes continue to invite the role of parents to bring children to Posyandu to get child growth checks as early detection prevents the emergence of Rubellaquities in Biak Numfor Regency," added Plh Kadinkes Biak Numfor Ruslan. He said Ruslan, Biak Health Service has activated Health patrols by conducting monitoring through early alert systems and responses (SKDR) to the development of the emergence of certain disease cases for 24 hours every day. Rubella reminded, although the case of mirela is not found but parents must routinely carry out child immunization at the health facilities of the Puskesmas government, Pustu, Posyandu and hospitals.

"By following immunizations for children to prevent cases of Measles Rubella disease," said Ruslan. The target of immunizing a child's vaccine prevents Rubella from being carried out three times, namely a dose of one age of 9 months, the second dose of the vaccine aged 18 months and the third dose when the child is seven years old.