PAM Jaya Targets The Development Of Communal Reservoirs In 9 Locations To Be Completed In August

JAKARTA - Perumda PAM Jaya is building a large communal reservoir or water reservoir in 9 locations that find it difficult to receive access to piped clean water. The target is that the construction of nine communal reservoirs in these 9 regions will be completed in August.

President Director of PAM Jaya Arief Nasrudin said that the construction of communal reservoirs was carried out in order to expand the reach of water services in the capital city.

Bearing in mind, PAM Jaya received the task of the DKI Provincial Government to provide water services in 100 percent of the capital city in 2020. Currently, PAM's service coverage is still 65.85 percent with 913,913 customers.

"Hopefully these 9 communal reservoir points can be completed in August, maximally," said Arief during a discussion at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, March 9.

The construction of a communal reservoir began in late 2022. One location has been built, namely in the Marunda Kepu area. Actually, communal reservoirs don't take long to establish.

However, Arief said that there were obstacles encountered in his planning, namely the problem of using assets as a point for the construction of the giant water reservoir.

This difficulty was encountered when cooperation in water management or water privatization was still running. The water privatization only ended in early February. At that time, some of the service areas were still operated by private companies.

"Why didn't this happen from the start? The difficulty is indeed a place or asset problem. At 25 years of management is in the private sector, so they also have difficulty getting areas to make shelters," said Arief.

Arief admitted, after the privatization ended, PAM Jaya stepped on the gas to take care of the land administration that would be used for the construction of communal reservoirs. One of them is lobbying the city-level government to help find available land.

"Now we are pursuing the permit. Yesterday we worked together, came to the mayor's office, sub-district, to the sub-district. We are also collaborating with the central government, especially at the Kemayoran PPK location," he explained.

Communal reservoirs function to collect water at hours where water is not widely used. Then, the water storage is driven by a pump (booster pump) to a resident's house.

The nine locations for the construction of communal reservoirs are in Marunda Kepu, Jalan Cilincing Huk Saran, Jalan Raya STIP Marunda Makmur, Pluit Reservoir 'Jalan Muara Baru Penjaringan, Tamansari Village, Gombol Paya'Kalideres, Booster Pump Tambora, Duri Kosambi, and Kebon Blank.