Socialization In East Lombok Regency Government, KPK Opens Pressing Gratification Understanding

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held an in-depth socialization related to gratuities in the ranks of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the East Lombok Regency Government, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

Head of the East Lombok Regency Inspectorate Baiq Miftahul Wasli said, as a country with friendly people, sometimes many receive good gifts in the form of money and goods that have the potential to be a crime of gratification.

"The Regent welcomed the socialization of gratification control activities as an effort to prevent corruption committed by the Indonesian KPK," he said in Selong, East Lombok, Wednesday, March 8, which was confiscated by Antara.

The socialization, evaluation and technical guidance of the gratification control program was held in the East Lombok Regent's Office ballroom online.

During the event, Baiq said the importance of this activity was to build the integrity of ASN in carrying out tasks within the East Lombok Regency Government.

He hopes that the participants can participate in these activities as well as possible in order to be able to understand the provision of gratuities and have the potential to damage integrity, so that there will be no more problems with the law.

Through the socialization of these gratuities, it is also hoped that new ideas and ideas will emerge as a reference in carrying out their duties.

"So things related to corruption can be avoided," he said.

In addition, Baiq also reminded to always be careful and be a clean, honest, trustworthy and with integrity in carrying out their duties and complying with all laws and regulations.

"In the midst of information disclosure, not only the KPK as an institution that supervises activities related to corruption, but the community is also very critical and able to monitor it," he said.

Meanwhile, Directorate of Gratification and Public Services Muhammad Indra Furqon said, gratification is the root of bribery corruption that has been delayed by conflicts of interest, from a 2019 public participation survey, only 37 percent of public segment respondents know the term gratification, and only 13 percent of government segment respondents have reported gratuities.

"This means that there are still many who do not understand that these gratuities are part of corruption," said Furqon.