Not Only Rafael Alun, Mario Dandy's Account Was Blocked By PPATK

JAKARTA - The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) blocked the family account of former Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) tax official Rafael Alun Trisambodo. Dozens of accounts were blocked, including Mario Dandy Satrio, his son who was the perpetrator of the persecution.

"(The one who blocked the account, red) the family and all related parties. We have blocked several tens of accounts," said PPATK Head Ivan Yustiavandana to reporters, Wednesday, March 7.

Meanwhile, the KPK is investigating Rafael's wealth. Now, it is no longer the Deputy for Prevention in addition to the Deputy for Enforcement who are engaged in investigating after receiving the green light from the leadership.

"Just yesterday afternoon, it was decided that this leader would go into investigation," said KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan to reporters, Tuesday, March 7.

There are several things that will be explored in an investigation effort such as share ownership in a company. It is suspected that there are other officials from the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance who also own shares.

"His army (Rafael Alun) is the same. It's a gang, there is a lot. This is his generation too," he said.

Later, this official will also be asked for clarification regarding his assets. Pahala said that a letter to examine the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) had been sent by the KPK.

As a reminder, Rafael's wealth was in the spotlight after his son, Mario Dandy Satrio, persecuted 17-year-old David. The video of the abuse was widely circulated on social media.

After the case was crowded on social media, Mario's video spread his wealth in the form of a Harley Davidson motorcycle highlighted by netizens. Not only that, but the public also highlighted the ownership of the Rubicon car he used when the persecution took place.

As a result, on March 1, the KPK asked Rafael to come to clarify his wealth which reached Rp56 billion based on the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN).

In the clarification process, the KPK investigated Rafael's assets. Among them, housing whose management company is in the name of his wife in North Minahasa and a house in Yogyakarta.

It didn't stop there, the Rubicon car that Mario often exhibited was also investigated by the KPK. Likewise with Rafael's Harley Davidson, which turned out to be not with a number plate or a fake.

Most recently, PPATK has blocked the accounts of Rafael Alun and a tax consultant whose names are allegedly borrowed for transactions or nominees. This effort is related to an unnatural transaction carried out by Rafael, who has assets of up to Rp56 billion.

PPATK also suspects that Rafael used professional money laundering services with other parties through nominees. However, PPATK Chairman Ivan Yustiavanda did not specify who they were.

"We suspect that there is a money slider professional who has been acting for the benefit of the RAT," Ivan told reporters, Friday, March 3.