A Number Of Pertamina Plumpang Depot Fire Victims Who Were Treated At RSPP Experienced Trauma Respiratory

JAKARTA - As many as 24 victims of the North Jakarta Pertamina Plumpang Depot fire are still undergoing treatment at Pertamina Central Hospital, South Jakarta. It is known, of the dozens who were treated, one of them had to use a breathing apparatus.

Director of RSPP dr. Theryoto explained that there were dozens of victims who used these tools who experienced respiratory trauma.

"Current conditions require 14 patients to help, then there are around 10 without aid," Theryoto told reporters at the RSPP, South Jakarta, Monday, March 6.

"Then for patients who are traumatized in the respiratory tract area, we will pay attention because the patient generally needs tools," he continued.

Theryoto revealed that he would maximize the treatment of healing for victims who were experiencing respiratory trauma. As a result of the severe fire at the Pertamina Plumpang Depot, North Jakarta.

Furthermore, his party also prepared facilities for the patient's family. So if there is anything, the medical team can inform the patient's condition to the family.

"So one of the facilities besides we provide patient care facilities, we also provide a place for the patient's family so that if there is anything the medical team can inform the patient's condition to the family," he concluded.

For information, respiratory trauma or inhalation trauma usually occurs in fire victims who breathe hot air and puffs of smoke in closed space for a long time so that their respiratory tract becomes swollen and reddish, removing a lot of mucus mixed with jelaga.

If the swelling of the respiratory tract from this fire can be deadly because the channel is getting narrower and covered with mucus. No air can come out or enter from and into the lungs.