Reincarnation Of Hanin Dhiya

JAKARTA - The singer and songwriter from Bogor, Hanin Dhiya, throws away his old and reborn identity. That's a big picture of his latest album, Reincarnation which was released on March 3 yesterday.

Through this album, I want to introduce Hanin Dhiya who is new in terms of music, persona, and how to convey messages through her works. Hanin, who I considered for a long time, has 'dead' and is now back to life' with his novelty, said Hanin in a written statement received by VOI.

Reincarnation is Hanin's third album while active in the Indonesian music industry. There are nine pop songs with five previously released songs, namely Pulih, Sustaining Without Direction, Had, Angry, and Joining Him. And the newest champion of this album is Lalu; After.

The theme of songs on this album is related to each other where each song tells of phases when humans experience grief ranging from denial, anger, bargaining, depression, to acceptance.

For the latest song Lalu; over, for example, describing the acceptance phase, releasing things that can no longer be held.

The lyrics of this song tell about a story that actually doesn't want to be resolved, but is forced to finish. I said in this song that there would never be regret to give up and end it. So, it's still about trying to be fine after going through something that is not desirable according to plan," he said.

The album Reincarnation was produced by SEEK. Eight songs were composed by Hanin Dhiya with SEEK while the song Pulih was composed by Hanin Dhiya with the duo BiancaDimas.