How The Government Realizes Indonesia Gold 2045: Create Candidates For Superior Mothers

JAKARTA - The government, through the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), has a program to realize Indonesia Gold 2045. For this reason, it is necessary to intensify human development programs from upstream to downstream.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said, to realize Indonesia Gold, human development programs are the most important aspect. This program aims to produce a generation that is superior, qualified, with integrity, competitive, and has a character with noble character.

"To produce superior human resources, it can start from upstream, namely by preparing prospective mothers who will give birth to the next golden generation. Women become centers of human development, so this preparation must begin as a teenager," said Muhadjir, as quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 4.

He explained that the fulfillment of nutrition for young women is very important in order to maintain their health condition and prevent anemia.

"Women's youth will later get married and become a mother-to-be, to prevent or correct anemia in young women will be able to support stunting prevention efforts, because if a teenage girl suffers from anemia, there is also the opportunity to suffer from anemia while pregnant. If not treated, it will risk giving birth to a baby with a low birth weight and increase the risk of giving birth to a stunting baby," he said.

Therefore, he continued, in addition to consuming balanced nutrition that is rich in animal protein, young women need to regularly consume blood-added tablets to prevent anemia.

"The blood-boosting technique for young women is very important for the health of the uterus in the future, this is an intervention that needs to be considered so that young women who later become prospective mothers do not get anemia, which can cause their children to experience stunting in the future," he said.

Muhadjir also asked for the active role of the family, especially parents, to ensure the health condition of young women, and ensure the fulfillment of balanced nutrition that is rich in animal protein to prevent anemia.

Based on the results of the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), stunting prevalence in Indonesia in 2022 will decrease to 21.6 percent from 24.4 percent in 2021.

"The government targets the prevalence of stunting to drop to 14 percent by 2024," said Muhadjir.