Discussed By Tax And Customs Issues, The Ministry Of Finance Strengthens Synergy With The KPK

The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to have collaborated with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to enforce supervision and prosecution within the organization.

This step was taken following problems at the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) and at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise related to ownership of jumbo assets by unscrupulous employees.

Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara said this attitude was in line with the commitment to maintain state finances, especially the management of the state budget.

"We synergize with the KPK in supervising employees," he said in Jakarta on Wednesday, March 1.

The Deputy Minister of Finance explained that the development of the process of examining high-tax employees, Rafael Alun Trisambodo alias RAT, is still ongoing.

The same examination was also carried out on the Head of the Yogyakarta Customs and Excise Office, Eko Darmanto.

Both are known to often show luxury that is ethically against the principles at the Ministry of Finance.

"The Inspectorate General Team together with the KPK are conducting further investigations into the assets reported at LHKPN, alleged ownership of assets that have not been reported, matching the profile with the tax SPT concerned," he said.

On that occasion, Suahasil also said that the level of LHKPN compliance and Wealth Report (LHK) at the Ministry of Finance was maintained and ensured discipline.

He explained, for the 2020 reporting year, employees reported 99.86 percent.

Then, the 2021 reporting year was 99.87 percent, the 2022 reporting year was 99.98 percent, and the 2023 reporting year was 99.99 percent.

"Sanctions for employees who do not report LHKPN and LHK have been taken disciplinary action according to the provisions," he said.