Extreme Weather, Trenggalek Communities Reminded Of Potential Falling Trees Disaster

TRENGGALEK - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Trenggalek Regency, East Java appealed to residents to be aware of potential disasters due to strong winds in the area, as extreme weather will still occur over the next few days.

"There are several areas in East Java that need to be aware of the potential for strong winds in the period February 27-March 2, one of which is Trenggalek Regency. For this reason, we urge the public to increase their vigilance," said Trenggalek BPBD Head Stefanus Triadi Atmono quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday 28 February.

This early warning continues to be socialized by BPBD through the institution's official account on social media and through the mass media.

He said strong winds have the potential for hydrometeorological disasters, such as inundated floods to flash floods, fallen trees, and landslides.

On Sunday afternoon, two cars were crushed by fallen trees while crossing the Trenggalek-Ponorogo National Road.

"For that, every three hours we provide updates on weather developments to the public via our social media. For the BMKG in general, we are more specific in 14 sub-districts," he said.

By notifying information on weather changes periodically, he hopes, it will increase public awareness so that they are better prepared for threats from the effects of extreme weather.

With that readiness, he hopes, the potential impact of extreme weather can be minimized.

Triadi explained that based on an analysis of climate conditions, the East Java region is currently still at the peak of the rainy season.

Atmospheric dynamics in the East Java region are still significant so there is potential for strong winds in several areas.

The results of the latest analysis of atmospheric dynamics for the East Java region show that there is a mass flow of air from the Asian Continent and there is a center of low pressure in the northern region of Australia of 1002 MB which is expected to decrease to 999 MB in the next two days.

"This resulted in an increase in wind speed of up to 35 knots (65 km/hour) in the East Java region," he added.

This condition resulted in wave heights in several East Java waters that were categorized as high to very high, namely 2.5-6 meters.

One of the areas of concern is the southern waters of East Java, including Trenggalek Regency which has coastlines in three areas, including Watulimo, Panggul and Munjungan Districts.

"Trenggalek Regency people who work as fishermen or carry out activities at sea are advised to increase their vigilance as there is the potential for high waves in the southern waters of East Java," he said.