10 Meters Of Land Movement, Liwa-Crui Traffic In West Lampung Is Hampered

LAMPUNG BARAT - Traffic flow on the national road section of the Liwa-Krui route in the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS) area, precisely in Pekon (Village) Kubu Boat, Balik Bukit District, West Lampung Regency, was hampered by ground movement.

The movement of the soil made part of the road lift 10 meters long with a road width of six meters.

"Currently, vehicles, both two-wheelers and four-wheelers can still pass, but we urge the public to be careful because the position of this road is right near the corner and later we will install signs if there are obstacles on the road," said Head of Community Development (Binmas) Balik Bukit Police. Iptu Saturdaydin quoted by ANTARA, February 28.

He said two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles or more were now able to pass even though the road was still in a damaged condition.

Currently, a number of police officers appear to be on guard to regulate the flow of traffic waiting for the relevant agencies to arrive at the location to help repair the road.

The road damage, he said, occurred Monday at around WIB, and his party immediately coordinated with the relevant agencies for handling the road segment.

"Because the road situation is having problems, so we secure that there are no third parties who are not responsible for taking advantage of this opportunity, so we will continue to monitor it," he said.

Previously, the field technical coordinator of the National Road Implementation Center (BPJN) satker area two Rusmadi Gani, said that his party had received this information and would immediately deploy heavy equipment to help repair the lifted road.

"Yes, we will immediately deploy heavy equipment to help repair the national road, it is suspected that it is due to land movement which causes the phenomenon of roads lifting to occur, but we still urge motorists to always be careful," said Rusmadi.