The Reason Aldilla Jelita Sues Indra Bekti's Divorce, Not Because Of Illness

JAKARTA - Many parties were surprised by Aldilla Jelita's decision to sue for divorce from Indra Bekti. The reason is, since the presenter fell ill at the end of last year, Dhila seems loyal to accompany her husband while undergoing treatment.

From many netizen comments, Dhila is often said to want to leave Indra Bekti because of economic problems, where the presenter is considered to have difficulty getting a job again after experiencing bleeding in the brain.

For this assessment, Milano Lubis as Dhila's attorney confirmed that the divorce suit filed by his client was not concerned with Indra Bekti's condition after falling ill.

"There is no connection after the pain, nothing. I emphasize, nothing because currently Bekti is in this condition or because she is sick, nothing," said Milano Lubis in Kebayorab Lama, South Jakarta on Monday, February 27, 2023.

Moreover, on the charges of netizens who judged Dhila to be suing for divorce due to her deteriorating financial condition, Milano also strongly denied it. The lawyer explained that his client was not in economic trouble, and was also not afraid to lose property.

"Indeed, even when I was sick, Dhila came out of money too, not just donations. I know, it's not a matter of selling and selling, yes. The savings are all kinds of things for Bekti. The point is, until the problem, I'm sorry, how come all kinds of installments are covered during Bekti's illness. So, it's not an economic problem," said Milano.

Aldilla Jelita's attorney explained that the reason her client filed a lawsuit was due to differences in principles with Indra Bekti. Not only this time, the difference in principles also emerged in 2019.

"The point is the principle problem, the principle is that they don't meet between the two of them. Dhila is also unable to get together anymore," he said.

Milano also admitted that he had communicated with Indra Bekti. He explained that his client's husband was willing to end his household.

"Betetinya juga mengakui. Bekti sampai bilang ke saya, Ya sudah bang, kalau memang terbaik untuk Dhila, buat saya juga ya sudah. Yang penting anak-anak saya tetap urus seperti biasanya.' Dhila juga seperti itu, tidak ada maksinkan, semua demi kepentingan anak. Tidak ada Bekti jauh dari anak atau Dhila ke anak, tidak, seperti biasa," pungkas Milano Lubis.