Found Body Disputing In A Tree, For Cilacap Residents Who Have Losing Family Members Please Sharener

The figure of the man's body was found caught in a fallen tree that fell into the river on Sunday afternoon, February 26. The condition of the corpse has decomposed and even dried up, making it difficult for the police to identify it.

Head of Public Relations of the Cilacap Police, Iptu Gatot Tri Hartanto, explained that the discovery of the body was initially known by residents while looking for fish at around 17.00 WIB.

"It was found by residents who were looking for fish, and at that time saw a corpse caught in a fallen tree in the river. Knowing the incident, residents immediately reported to the Dayeuhluhur Police," said Gatot in a short message, Monday, February 27.

So far, continued Gatot, the identity of the man is not known. Because no identification was found. And until now it is still investigating.

"Identity is still being investigated," he said.

However, he explained, the general characteristics of the victim were that the man aged approximately 60 years, did not wear clothes. Body height is approximately 170 cm. For further investigation purposes, the police took the victim's body to the Banjar Hospital.

The post-mortem or examination of the victim's condition was carried out to determine the condition of the victim's body.

"The victim's body was taken to the hospital for a post-mortem. Signs of abuse or condition of the victim's body are still being investigated," said Gatot.

He also appealed to people who feel they have lost their family members with these characteristics, to contact the Dayeuhluhur Police or the Cilacap Police.