Interest In Young People Investing In Property Is Increasing, Here's The Proof

JAKARTA - Podomoro City Chief Marketing Officer Tenjo Zaldy Wihardja assesses that the awareness of young people to invest in the property sector is increasing in line with their understanding that property is a valuable asset.

According to Zaldy, property investment is not only a value that continues to rise, but can also be an important part when building a family.

"The more young people are literate with investment, the property will be one of their investment goals. Our young people also increasingly understand that investment with the most controlled risk and the price consistently increases, yes property, and Podomoro Tenjo City, the increase in investment will increase by 20 percent over a period of two years," said Zaldy in a written statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, February 27.

Kota Podomoro Tenjo yang merupakan kota mandiri dan satelit baru Agung Podomoro mendukung percepatan kepemilikan rumah bagi anak muda. Melalui berbagai inovasi dan solusi cara pembayaran, ribuan muda telah memilih Kota Podomoro Tenjo sebagai tempat hunian.

"After going through in-depth research and careful consideration, we built the City of Podomoro Tenjo two years ago with the target of the main youth market. We are grateful that currently more than 4,700 units of property in the City of Podomoro Tenjo are sold and 64 percent of the buyers are young people," said Zaldy.

Zaldy added, as part of a business actor in the property sector, Podomoro Tenjo City sees the property backlog which is also a concern for the property industry and the government.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency in 2021, the housing backlog in Indonesia currently reaches 12.7 million units. Responding to this situation, Podomoro Tenjo City conducts strategic collaborations with banks to facilitate access for young people to own property.

"Kota Podomoro Tenjo tenjo sedang berupaya untuk terus mempercepat pembangunan proyek dengan kualitas terbaik dan superior. Selain itu melakukan kerjasama strategis dengan pihak Bank, sehingga membantu dan memudahkan masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan rumah," ujar Zaldy.

Kota Podomoro Tenjo kini juga menyediakan program pembayaran yang memudahkan para konsumen yakni Easy Pay. Melalui Easy Pay, konsumen akan mendapatkan berbagai macam kemudahan seperti pembelian rumah dengan DP nol persen, bebas biaya provisi, dan bunga nol persen.

"In addition, we are also working with various leading banks for the Home Ownership Credit (KPR) financing program," said Zaldy.

He conveyed that Podomoro Tenjo City was specially presented to meet the needs of the productive and modern young generation at affordable prices ranging from IDR 200 million for deluxes and IDR 500 million for premium unit types.