Mario Dandy Satrio's Attorney To Visit Mayapada Hospital Wants To Meet David, Just A Minutes Count Already Out Wants To Go Home

JAKARTA - Mario Dandy Satrio's attorney, Dolfie Rompas, representing the family of Rafael Alun Trisambodo, visited Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta. He came to visit the victim of abuse by his client, David (17) who was undergoing treatment.

According to VOI monitoring, Mario's attorney, Dolfi came to Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Monday, February 27, at 13.45 WIB.

We came here to represent our client, Mario. We as attorneys came with my colleagues. We also came here to provide prayer support, to David. We want to pray that he will recover soon," Dolfie told reporters at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Monday, February.

However, Mario's attorney's arrival was very short. It was only a matter of minutes out. What's wrong?

"No rejection, just maybe not yet. Because the hospital may not allow it. Because it's still in the ICU," he said.

"Not yet. (Father from David-ed), I didn't meet earlier," he continued.

Dolfie admitted that if he came today, there would be no communication with David's family.

"No (communication) we actually spontaneously came here so we didn't have any previous coordination," he said.

When asked which party did not allow him to meet David, Dolfie refused to answer. However, in the future, he will reschedule the meeting with David's family.

We'll see. It's time we will schedule it. We'll see later, a little more. Okay," he concluded.

Unlike the Chairman of the Foundation and the Principal of the Luhur Jakartaudi School, where his arrival at Mayapada Hospital was received by David's parents.

"We came to meet his father, Mr. David, Mr. Jonathan, and it was told that his progress was very good. Currently, Mr. David has been able to open his eyes, the aids have been lost and are no longer needed," Martinus told reporters at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta.

Based on the story of David's father, Jonathan Latumahina, David's condition that continues to improve is a lie. According to him, this is thanks to the prayers of friends who want his condition to recover quickly.

According to Mr. Jonathan, it was a miracle that the situation was initially very bad and would take a long time to recover. But in a relatively short time, Mr. David was able to open his eyes, his consciousness was said to be around 2/3," he said.