Heboh, Billie Eilish Puts On A 17-year-old Bandung Designable Weater

JAKARTA - Billie Eilish made fans excited in Indonesia. He is seen wearing a sweater from a local label from Bandung designed by a 17-year-old woman.

The Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) conveyed the good news through a post. Billie Eilish was wearing theweater while attending Olivia Rodrigo's concert in May 2022.

However, this news was only shared some time ago through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy social media. They also include a story from the local label, Dressed Like Parents.

It is known that the sweater that Billie Eilish wore was black and purple with a grunge image of the band The Clash. The design was made by Callista Aldenia directly after receiving riques from Eilish's styling.

kalinya Kurata, styalatis Billie Eilish mengirim email kepada pihak Dressed Like Parents. Melalui emailnya, mereka mengungkap penertahan terhadap beberapa pakaian yang dibuat oleh label tersebut. Kurata juga meminta apakah pihak label bisa membuat desain sesuai permintaan pribadi.

Sonia Dewi as the founder of Dressed Like Parents gave four designs and was accepted by Eilish. After going through the manufacturing process, the four clothes were sent to the United States and were immediately worn by Billie Eilish.

"MashaAllah Tabarakallah, Alhamdulillah, my dear brother Ita @dressedlikeparts. Finally, I pray that one day I will be answered, one of the prayers is that his clothes will be made by him using sm @billieilish atw @brianimanuel," wrote Sonia Dewi on May 27, 2022.

Sonia also explained that styler Billie Eilish asked for four clothes to wear at her concert, but only one was worn by Eilish to visit Olivia Rodrigo's concert.

"Take this project for about two months, until there is a crying drama, spend the night overtime, until you don't take the exam because you're chasing a deadline. Thank God your hardwork finally paid off, u deserves it," he wrote again.