When Is The Panen Raya Padi 2023? Predicted To Have Abundant Rice Yields

YOGYAKARTA - Rice prices soared in 147 regencies/cities in Indonesia on the third Sunday of February. The government has set the purchase price of rice or unhulled rice ahead of the main harvest to maintain price stability. When is the 2023 rice harvest?

The determination of the price of new purchases for rice has been agreed by the National Food Agency (Bapanas) together with rice milling business actors. This policy is carried out to control so that rice prices do not get wilder from the farmer level (hulu) to consumers (hilir).

With this new stipulation, the rate of increase in rice prices is limited by an upper limit mechanism. The step is the government's effort to protect small-scale rice mills and prepare Perum Bulog as an off taker at the main harvest.

Rice harvest will begin in early March 2023. Farmers in a number of areas have actually started to harvest their rice gradually in February, such as in Sragen, Demak, Ngawi, Lamongan, and Karawang. However, the peak of the harvest will only occur in March or April.

When entering the main harvest period, there will be regions that first harvest in each province. For example, in West Java Province, the harvest starts from Upper Subang and then continues to Karawang, Pamukan, to Cirebon. Meanwhile, in Central Java, the area that started the harvest was the northern coast Demak, then only the area in the south.

According to data from the BPS Area Sample Framework Survey (KSA), it is predicted that the rice harvest in February could reach 1.0 million hectares or the equivalent of 3.2 million tons of rice. For the harvest in March, it is predicted to reach 1.9 million hectares or the equivalent of 5.9 million tons of rice. Currently, the harvest season has started in East Java, Central Java, West Java, Banten, Lampung, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, Aceh, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, NTB, and a number of other areas.

Ahead of the main harvest, Commission IV of the DPR RI encourages Bulog to carry out optimal absorption. His party emphasized that rice and domestic grain production is abundant. Andi Akmal Pasluddin, a member of Commission IV of the DPR, hopes that Bulog can absorb at least 1.5 million tons of rice or 2 million tons by June 2023.

Andi Akmal emphasized the importance of Bulog prioritizing domestic purchases because it will have a positive impact on the country's economy. That way farmers will get direct benefits. He also said that the production of rice or rice during the initial harvest period was quite large.

The price of the top purchase or price that has been agreed upon is very crucial in preparation for the rice harvest. Celing price is an upper limit on the purchase price of rice/graft for rice mills. Thus, large and small mills have the same price ceiling.

"This retail price agreement is very important so that in the main harvest there will be no purchase of grain/rice at the farm level at uncontrolled prices and even tends to be too high due to free competition between mills in order to get grain/rice," said Head of Badanas Arief Prasetyo.

It has been agreed that the purchase price for crop dry unhulled rice (GKP) at the farmer level is set at IDR 4,550 per kg, GKP at milling level IDR 4,560 per kg, milling dry unhulled rice (GKG) level IDR 5,700 per kg, and medium rice at Perum Bulog warehouse IDR 9,000 per kg.

The determination of the ceiling price will take effect on 27 February. The purchase price of this rice/graft is enforced until the time limit to be determined later.

Demikianlah review mengenai kapan panen raya 2023 dan penetapan harga pembelian baru beras/gabah. Pemerintah berharap adanya stok beras yang melimpah dari hasil panen raya bisa mempengaruhi dan menekan harga beras di pasar.

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