The Vice President Assists Handling Of Stunting In West Sulawesi

MAMUJU - Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin will visit West Sulawesi (Sulbar) in order to hand over assistance for stunting treatment.

"The Provincial Government of West Sulawesi has held a preparatory meeting to receive the working visit of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin in West Sulawesi," said Expert Staff for the Governor of West Sulawesi, Munadir Mubarak in Mamuju, reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 20.

Munadir Mubarak said the West Sulawesi Provincial Government held the meeting involving the TNI Military Command 142 Taroada Tarogau (Tatag) Mamuju, Mamuju TNI Naval Base, West Sulawesi Regional Police.

Vice President Ma'ruf is scheduled to arrive in Mamuju on February 23 and will return to Jakarta on February 24.

According to him, the local provincial government and all district governments as well as Forkopimda elements in West Sulawesi are ready to receive the Vice President's visit.

Munadir said the agenda for the Vice President's 2-day visit to this province will provide guidance on concrete actions to accelerate stunting reduction.

In addition, he will hand over stunting assistance to all districts in West Sulawesi.

"The vice president will also simultaneously visit Rangas State Vocational School, Mamuju Regency to review the condition of education at the school and will review the post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction project in Mamuju on January 15, 2021," he said.

The Vice President will also inspect posyandu and provide educational equipment assistance to children who are not in school.

"The stunting reduction acceleration team is ready to receive the Vice President's visit to West Sulawesi," he said.