Attention! ChatGPT Can Be Abused For Dangerous And Irresponsible Purposes

JAKARTA - ChatGPT, an abbreviation of 'Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer', is a language-based bot that can generate human-like responses. This program was developed and launched publicly last November by the company OpenAI and is trained to answer any type of question or request, from explaining how gravity works, to writing poetry, to providing code for computer programs by collecting data from online databases.

However, ChatGPT has its drawbacks. The program doesn't create anything new, it just collects information from found research materials and presents it to the user. This means that in theory, the program could rely on false, biased, or false information published online and present it to people as fact.

This AI can also be used by people to find harmful or inappropriate information, such as how to create a computer virus, for example. Therefore, there is concern that companies may use programs of this kind to replace human workers in various professions.

OpenAI says it is working on addressing ChatGPT bias and how to filter potentially malicious requests.

OpenAI expects users to reconsider using ChatGPT, and not to use it to search for or create harmful or inappropriate content.

When asked to ChatGPT about how this engine restricts and prevents it from being used by irresponsible parties, here are some of the actions that ChatGPT describes.

OpenAI takes several actions so that the information provided is not misused:

  1. Using filters and monitoring: OpenAI uses filters and monitoring systems to monitor incoming requests to the ChatGPT system. If the system finds a request that it deems dangerous or inappropriate, it will reject the request.

  2. Updating the database: OpenAI regularly updates the ChatGPT database by adding new data that is considered useful and removing data that is considered useless or harmful. This is done to ensure that ChatGPT contains only reliable and relevant information.

  3. Limiting access: OpenAI also strictly regulates access to the ChatGPT system. Only people who have passed a strict verification and authorization process are allowed access to the system. This helps ensure that users who have access to the ChatGPT system are responsible and trustworthy people.

  4. Implementing ethics and morals: OpenAI has also set strict ethical and moral guidelines for the use of ChatGPT. This includes prohibiting the use of ChatGPT for harmful or unethical purposes, such as spreading hoaxes or threatening public safety.

By implementing these regulations, OpenAI hopes to minimize the risk of harmful use of ChatGPT and ensure that the technology is only used for positive and beneficial purposes for society.