Ganjar Pranowo Encourages Public Service Malls To Rise To Digital Level

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is ready to encourage public services in Central Java to move up to the digital level. Thus, it is hoped that the public can access without having to come directly to the Public Service Mall (MPP).

This was conveyed by Ganjar after accompanying the Minister of Administrative Reform- Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan-RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas inaugurated seven new MPPs in Central Java simultaneously in Sragen, Monday, February 20. With the inauguration of the seven new MPPs, in Central Java Province itself there are already 28 MPPs.

Based on data from the Kemenpan RB, the total MPP in Indonesia is 110 MPP with details 65 on the island of Java, on the island of Sumatra there are 15 MPP, Kalimantan 13 MPP, Sulawesi 13 MPP, Bali 3 MPP and in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) there are 1 MPP.

The more the better, because actually there is convenience from public services that can be provided to the government, is it effective or not? Oh, it's really effective, because he can come to one stop service," he said after the event.

Ganjar Pranowo emphasized that the existence of this MPP was a follow-up to President Joko Widodo's instructions to facilitate the service and bureaucratic process at the regional level.

"Actually, this is a program that just runs, because the order has been around for a long time and our job is to clean up at the bottom level," he said.

The increasing number of MPP, said Ganjar, was followed by regional readiness to welcome to the next level, namely the digital MPP.

"So why should it go up to the digital MPP, that's because it can also be made easier so far. The application already exists, so the Minister prepared several areas that were ready, one of which was Sragen. This is to be used as a test site later for digital services, so that it is much faster, more transparent, more open and able to educate," he said.

The chairman of PP Kagama appreciates the local government, especially regents and mayors who are committed to providing maximum service to the community.

"Friends and mayors in Central Java, thank you, they have a high commitment. One is to serve the community, two provide facilities through this MPP," he said.

Asked which areas are ready to become digital MPP pilot projects, Ganjar recommended MPP in Sragen and Banyumas Regencies.

"It's just a matter of who wants to mess around, Sragen is already holding it up so it's ready. Earlier I also recommended Banyumas, it's okay," he said

Meanwhile, Menpan-RB Abdullah Azwar Anas hopes that the presence of MPP, which is starting to mushroom in Central Java, can provide excellent service to the community.

"I am very happy if later I immediately move towards the next level, namely to the digital MPP. So that people who will come to MPP while traveling can come get services, but those who don't want to come can come from HP," said Menpan-RB, in his remarks.

The former Banyuwangi Regent said that regarding this digital MPP, the Kemenpan-RB has also prepared the system. Azwar said he was ready to distribute the material to be tested on MPP which was ready in Central Java.

"Mr. President has instructed us that this service be completed quickly. At least in three basic services, namely related to health, education and population," he said.

The former Banyuwangi Regent also appreciated Central Java Province for being enthusiastic about providing maximum service to the community. "Since I served as Menpan-RB, this is at the same time the most that I have inaugurated and that's in Central Java," said Anas about the inauguration of the Public Service Mall in the area led by Ganjar Pranowo.